Assisi Magazine

Magazine published by Jeevan Books. Discuss on the current affairs 

Jeevan Books

One of the venture by St. Joseph Capuchin Province, Kottayam. We publish various types of books and publications…

Assisi Ashram

Situated in Bharnanganam, Kottayam. One of the ancient Capuchin House in Kerala. build in 1950.

Assisi Language Institute

AIFL is providing German language coaching. AIFL functions under Capuchin Charitable and Educational Society (CCES). The institution aims at creating a situation of borderlessness by going beyond one’s linguistic boarders.

Assisi Magazine

Magazine published by Jeevan Books. Discuss on the current affairs 

Jeevan Books

One of the venture by St. Joseph Capuchin Province, Kottayam. We publish various types of books and publications…

Assisi Ashram

Situated in Bharnanganam, Kottayam. One of the ancient Capuchin House in Kerala. build in 1950.

Assisi Language Institute

AIFL is providing German language coaching. AIFL functions under Capuchin Charitable and Educational Society (CCES). The institution aims at creating a situation of borderlessness by going beyond one’s linguistic boarders.

Vimalagiri Retreat Center Iritty

പുണ്യ സ്മരണാർഹനായ ബഹുമാനപ്പെട്ട ആർമൺ അച്ഛന് ലഭിച്ച ഒരു പ്രത്യേക ദൈവിക വെളിപാടിന്റെ ഫലമായി 1998 – ൽ സ്ഥാപിതമായതാണ് വിമലഗിരി ധ്യാനകേന്ദ്രം. കപ്പൂച്ചിൻ സന്യാസിമാരുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ 2 പതിറ്റാണ്ടിൽ അധികമായി അനേകം വിശ്വാസികൾക്ക് താങ്ങായി, തണലായി, നന്മയിലും വിശുദ്ധിയിലും വളരാൻ പ്രചോദനമായി ഈ ധ്യാനകേന്ദ്രം നിലകൊള്ളുന്നു.

Sinai Retreat Center Palakkad

Sinai Renewal Center, a Catholic retreat center for the spiritual renewal of the people, is located in Mundur in Palakkad, Kerala. It is run by the Fathers of the Order of Friar Minor Capuchin Congregation’s St. Thomas Province. The Sinai Renewal Centre has been evolving as the response of God to the people’s spiritual needs.

Gagultha Retreat Center

The GRC is a charismatic catholic retreat centre. Over 5000 people renew their lives in holy spirit in the spirit led retreats of the centre in every alternate weeks. The centre aims at realizing the experience of born again in the fire of holy spirit [gn 3:3] and to help individuals to lead a Christ centered Christian life, with the strong intercession of mother Mary. Healing and deliverance by the word of God is the hall mark of the charismatic retreats conducted here. May God’s grace be with you.